Wireless Bridge Linksys WET54G

Heute morgen gab es Eisregen in Rostock. Auto freikratzen war nicht möglich, da die Eisschicht einfach zu dick war. Also was bleibt einem anderes übrig, als das zu tun, was man eigentlich nicht tun sollte: Motor laufen lassen und abwarten. Nach 10 Minuten war der Wagen dann ausreichend warm, daß man mit dem Eiskratzer nachhelfen konnte.

Auch die Fahrt zur Arbeit (das nächste Mal, wenn der 23.02. auf einen Wochentag fällt, nehme ich mir jedenfalls einen Tag Urlaub) war dann etwas geruhsamer als an anderen Tagen: statt mit 80 über die Stadtautobahn zu fahren, waren eher so 60-70 drin. Das eigentliche Problem waren aber die Nebenstraßen in der Stadt.

Da sind mir zugeschneite Straßen ehrlich gesagt viel lieber… 🙂


13 thoughts on “Wireless Bridge Linksys WET54G

  1. For me, I was able to access the web interface first time after unpacking the device. And though I agree that the interface is awful, I had no problem with the channel in infrastructure mode: For me, it auto-detected the right channel once ESSID and the needed key were set up.


  2. Hmmm, maybe it's a matter of different firmware oder Setup versions?
    My WET54G is ver3.1, Firmware is v2.03, May 12, 2006 ETSI and Setup is v2.13.

    1. I saw the windows logo on the CD and it was out from the windows. The router work though http out of the box…

      the firmware was very old.

      1. I would have to check, but AFAIR, it was also ver 3.1/fw2.03
        Trouble is: I currently can't check because it is at home (other town) and not online currently. But my notes from back when I configured it look like 3.1/2.03 if I decipher my scribblings correctly. The firmware date also looks about right (I got the unit in July, so May 12 firmware would be possible).

  3. Il est beaucoup plus facile d'utiliser l'interface HTML que le CD..

    Dans Internet explorer, tapez l'adresse du bridge ( et vous avez tout sur une seule page… Il demande d'abord un mot de passe, c'est le premier obstacle; il faut taper “admin” passer à la case suivante avec la souris et à nouveau “admin” puis cliquer sur “OK” surtout ne pas faire de tabulation pour changer de case ni de Return pour valider l'entrée, ca ne marche pas.

    La page apparait enfin… Cliquez sur “site survey” a cote du SSID, une nouvelle fenetre s'affiche et SCAN tous les Wi-Fi qu'elle recoit… Il suffit de choisir le sien en cliquant dessus avec la souris pour se connecter dessus. Toutes les cases sont remplies automatiquement.

    Il faut quand même rentrer la clée Wep ensuite si la sécurité est sélectionnée, ce qui est préférable.

    A mon avis le CD n'est pas du tout necessaire… Et il est moins dynamique que l'interface du system…

    Ce Bridge est très interessant avec une antenne exterieure en longue distance pour transporter tout ce que peut faire l'ADSL

    I'm sorry but I'm better in French!!!
    Try to translate it yourself

  4. Sorry, but I'm totally unable to translate it from French, because I were in the Latin class in school (instead of French). 🙂

  5. My Translation…! ! !
    about install Linksys WET54G

    It is much easier to use the interface HTML than the CD..

    In Internet explorer, type the IP bridge address ( ) and everything is on a single page… It asks at first for a password, it is the first obstacle; it is necessary to type ” admin ” as name, jump in the following compartment with the mouse and again ” admin ” and click on “OK” .. especially don't use tab key to change compartment nor Return to validate the entry, it doesn't work.

    The page appears finally… Click ” survey site ” beside the SSID, a new window appears to SCAN all received Wi-Fi's in proximity… It is enough to choose it by clicking the mouse above to connect it. All the compartments are automatically performed.

    It is necessary to type the Wep key if the security is selected, it's better.

    In my opinion the CD is not the best way… And it is less dynamic than the system..interface.

    This Bridge is very Successful with an external antenna in long distance to cary on all that the ADSL can do.

    All the Best John

  6. The real trouble comes when you have a LAN configured to use only the 192.168.0.x addresses. Then you can't access because it's not on your local network and the CD utility doesn't work either. I had to take my computer off the lan, reconfigure it to use 192.168.1.x, configure the bridge and then put everything back. Even then I can access the bridge and I can ping my gateway through the bridge but I still can't get to the Internet through it. Yeuch!

  7. The WET54 must be in the same address field than your local network first…. But…
    If the DSLmodem… from the other side, is set to request an “association”, your Mac address is not associated, and the door stay close FOR YOU…
    One way is to clone the DSL modem Mac Address to the WEP54…
    Also you need the WEP Key of the DSL modem, if you know it ?? If not ! ! ! A good training is to try and study “Back Track” software…
    an other point.. The IP number… If the DSLmodem isn't set to DHCP, it don't give you an IP number; you have to give one in the right LAN IP number

    If everything is OK, it work properly; but some time, it's not easy… ! ! ! Good luck….and be patient…. John

  8. Thanks for your suggestions. I did have to give the bridge a fixed IP on the lan. After I posted my last comment it started working without any further changes; no idea why. The problem wasn't the mac because my Netgear router communicates with the modem using its own mac.

    So, for others with the problem,here's what you have to do. If your LAN is set up to use 192.168.0.x addresses, then you have plug the bridge directly into a PC and then use Control panel/Network Connections/Local Area Connections/Properties to reconfigure your network. Select “Internet Protocol(TCP/IP)” and click “Properties” In the resulting dialog select “Use the following IP Address” and enter IP:, Subnet mask, and Default gateway

    Once you've reconfigured the network connection go to a command prompt and type “ipconfig /release” then ipconfig /renew” At that point you should see the new TCP/IP configuration.

    Now the utility that comes on the CD will work or you can use your browser by going to

    I found that I had to assign a static IP to the bridge and configure my router to assign that IP to the bridge's mac address.

    Once all of that is done, you can restore the settings on your PC and everything ought to work.

    Good luck!

  9. Can you use WET54G as a cheap Linux development board?

    Just curious! I am thinking of buying a Beagle board but I saw
    some discounts for WET54G and I am thinking of getting a
    cheap Linux development board. Please advise.

  10. I don't know about the WET54G as I never heard something about running Linux on it, but it's possible to run Linux on a WRT54GL, which is widely supported, available and cheap as well.
    There are already some distributions for WRT54GL like OpenWRT oder DD-WRT…

  11. I find it reprehensible that these scumbags would sell something to the general public that is basically useless to anyone who does not have a high level of computer knowledge. Although I was eventually able to get mine working, it took about three hours of research after about 4 hours of vain attempts at using the corporate resources available from LYNKSYS. You can rest assured this is the last product I will ever buy from these guys.

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